Founder's story
In 2005, Tresavon Evans, Owner and Founder, was introduced to his first cigar while deployed in Iraq as a Navy Corpsman. A decade later, in 2015, he became immersed in the cigar culture through a cigar lounge in Ohio. This experience ignited a passion in him to enhance the cigar community. The Lowcountry Cigar Club serves as a vital component of this culture. Upon relocating to Beaufort, SC, Tresavon observed the vibrant cigar scene and the welcoming, diverse local businesses. Lowcountry Cigar Club transcends the concept of a mere cigar subscription service; it bridges local businesses and the cigar community with the wider world. Experience it "From the Palates of the Carolinas."
Mission & Vision
Growth Through Connection
Simply put a business willing to help other local businesses. Starting with, in every monthly box, Lowcountry Cigar Club will feature one local business. This service is a way to help spread what the area has to offer so that when someone comes to visit they will immediately have brand recognition and a sense of connection. The same way cigars help to connect persons from all walks of life, we plan to help facilitate that with businesses through the monthly subscriptions.